Millenniumszyklen steuern asiatischen Monsun

Die Klimaerwärmung bringt Vor- und Nachteile. Alexandra Branscombe hat sich in Eos am 10. April 2018 mit den klimatischen Siegern und Verlierern in Europa beschäftigt:

The Benefits and Vulnerabilities of a Warming Europe
Scientists evaluate the economic and environmental impacts of a warmer climate on European countries, finding a range of effects on tourism, electricity demand, and ecosystem production. […] For the comfort of European residents and tourists, a warmer climate brings both advantages and disadvantages. Overall, the results show that the United Kingdom, Ireland, western Europe, and the Mediterranean region will experience an increased number of heat waves. Heat waves are already nearly twice as likely over southern Europe and the Mediterranean in a world just 1.5°C warmer. […] In Scandinavia and some other Mediterranean countries, heating demands would decrease as winter months get milder.

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Einen Tag zuvor erschien ebenfalls in Eos ein weiterer interessanter Artikel, der sich mit den klimatischen Millenniumszyklen am Beispiel des asiatischen Monsuns beschäftigt.

How Ice Rafting Events Affect Asian Monsoon Hydroclimate
[…] The researchers found that the intensity of the Asian summer monsoon decreased rapidly at the start of each Heinrich event, reaching its weakest point within 50 years, followed by gradual intensification. The abrupt weakening implies a tight climatic link to the influx of freshwater to the North Atlantic, which would have disrupted normal ocean circulation and climate dynamics. However, at the start of Bond events, which are smaller and briefer than Heinrich events, the Asian summer monsoon weakened more gradually, taking about 110 years to reach its weakest point. This difference suggests that the impact of freshwater input to the North Atlantic varies depending on the background state of the climate.

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An der US-Golfküste kommt es immer wieder zu Überschwemmungen. Eine Studie der University of California – Santa Cruz fand nun, dass man hier kostengünstig Abhilfe schaffen kann, indem man Marschen und Austernriffe als Puffer verwendet. Hier die Pressemitteilung:

Nature-based solutions can prevent $50 billion in Gulf Coast flood damages
Study finds restoration of marshes and oyster reefs are among the most cost-effective solutions for flood risk reduction on the US Gulf Coast

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