In China war es zur Zeit der Mittelalterlichen Wärmeperiode wärmer als heute

97% Konsens in den Klimawissenschaften? Das klingt verdächtig und erinnert an Wahlresultate autokratischer Regime. Wie funktioniert eigentlich Wissenschaft, wie funktioniert Demokratie? Der Verband der Historiker und Historikerinnen Deutschlands schreibt auf seiner Webseite:

„Politische Willensbildung in pluralistischen Demokratien vollzieht sich in öffentlichen Debatten, in denen die Vielfalt politischer Meinungen und sozialer Interessen zum Ausdruck kommt. Ein einheitlicher Volkswille, den dazu Berufene erfassen können, ist dagegen eine Fiktion, die vor allem dem Zweck dient, sich im politischen Meinungskampf unangreifbar zu machen. In der Weimarer Republik ebnete die Idee des „Volkswillens“ einer Bewegung den Weg zur Macht, deren „Führer“ sich als dessen Verkörperung verstand.“


In China war es zur Zeit der Mittelalterlichen Wärmeperiode wärmer als heute, fanden Hao et al. 2020:

Multi-scale temperature variations and their regional differences in China during the Medieval Climate Anomaly

The Medieval Climate Anomaly (MCA, AD950-1250) is the most recent warm period lasting for several hundred years and is regarded as a reference scenario when studying the impact of and adaptation to global and regional warming. In this study, we investigated the characteristics of temperature variations on decadal-centennial scales during the MCA for four regions (Northeast, Northwest, Central-east, and Tibetan Plateau) in China, based on high-resolution temperature reconstructions and related warm-cold records from historical documents. The ensemble empirical mode decomposition method is used to analyze the time series. The results showed that for China as a whole, the longest warm period during the last 2000 years occurred in the 10th–13th centuries, although there were multi-decadal cold intervals in the middle to late 12th century. However, in the beginning and ending decades, warm peaks and phases on the decadal scale of the MCA for different regions were not consistent with each other. On the inter-decadal scale, regional temperature variations were similar from 950 to 1130; moreover, their amplitudes became smaller, and the phases did not agree well from 1130 to 1250. On the multi-decadal to centennial scale, all four regions began to warm in the early 10th century and experienced two cold intervals during the MCA. However, the Northwest and Central-east China were in step with each other while the warm periods in the Northeast China and Tibetan Plateau ended about 40–50 years earlier. On the multi-centennial scale, the mean temperature difference between the MCA and Little Ice Age was significant in Northeast and Central-east China but not in the Northwest China and Tibetan Plateau. Compared to the mean temperature of the 20th century, a comparable warmth in the MCA was found in the Central-east China, but there was a little cooling in Northeast China; meanwhile, there were significantly lower temperatures in Northwest China and Tibetan Plateau.

+++ im Dezember 2019:

Parteienforscher sieht Dilemma:
Ausgerechnet wegen „Fridays for Future“: Düstere Prophezeiung für die Grünen

„Fridays for Future“ und Greta Thunberg könnten die Grünen Wählerstimmen kosten. Ein Parteienforscher prophezeit für die Partei ein Dilemma. 

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Steve McIntyre sollte eigentlich einen Forschungspreis bekommen. Vor etlichen Jahren kniete er sich richtig rein, und fand bei einer detaillierten Analyse des berühmt-berüchtigten Hockey Sticks eine Vielzahl von Fehlern. In einem Podcast mit dem Heartland Institute erläutert er ausführlich, wie er vorging und was er fand. Teil 1 hier, Teil 2 hier.


University of Stirling im September 2019:

Farmed oysters able to protect themselves from acidification

Oysters bred for fast growth and disease resistance are able to adapt their shell growth to protect themselves from environmental acidification, according to new research.

Ocean and coastal acidification — the ongoing increase in the acidity of the world’s oceans — hampers some organisms, such as oysters, from producing and maintaining their shells. However, experts now believe that for oysters there is a potential solution to the problem.

A team led by Dr Susan Fitzer, a Research Fellow at the University of Stirling’s Institute of Aquaculture (IoA), studied Sydney Rock Oysters in New South Wales, Australia, and found that resilient strains of this oyster — generated through targeted breeding — can cope better with more acidic seawater conditions.

Dr Fitzer said: „Our work addresses a major problem in oyster aquaculture. Coastal acidification in Australia, and in many other regions around the globe, is damaging oysters‘ ability to grow properly — with such changes in shell growth mechanisms likely to have implications in the future. For example, we may see the production of smaller oysters with thinner shells — leaving them prone to fracture and at risk of shell damage during culture and harvesting.

„Our research shows, for the first time, that oysters selectively bred for fast growth and disease resistance can alter their mechanisms of shell biomineralisation, promoting resilience to acidification.“

Commercial shellfish aquaculture is vulnerable to the impacts of ocean acidification — caused by increasing carbon dioxide absorption by the ocean — and coastal acidification, driven by land runoff and rising sea levels.

Working with New South Wales Department of Primary Industries, the University of Sydney and the Scottish Universities Environment Research Centre, the team characterised the crystallography and carbon uptake in the shells of the Sydney Rock Oyster (Saccostrea glomerata) farmed in habitats affected by acidification from land runoff. The scientists looked at oysters from families selectively bred for fast growth or disease resistance to assess whether these factors were associated with changes in the mechanisms of shell biomineralisation, in comparison to wild oysters.

Dr Fitzer said: „Importantly, our research was able to show that selective breeding in oysters is likely to be an important global mitigation strategy for sustainable shellfish aquaculture to withstand future climate-driven change to habitat acidification.“

Paper: Susan C. Fitzer, Rona A. R. McGill, Sergio Torres Gabarda, Brian Hughes, Michael Dove, Wayne O’Connor, Maria Byrne. Selectively bred oysters can alter their biomineralization pathways, promoting resilience to environmental acidification. Global Change Biology, 2019; DOI: 10.1111/gcb.14818


Angst vor dem Klimawandel treibt anfällige Jugendliche in die harte Drogen, erklärt ein australischer Drogenexperte.


Breitbart im September 2019:

New York Times: 3 Malibu Millionaires Help Pay for Climate Change Protests Worldwide

The New York Times reported Friday that the wave of worldwide protests against climate change is partly being paid for by the Climate Emergency Fund, which is funded by a mega-wealthy trio that includes “the Kennedys and the Gettys.”

The co-founders are Trevor Neilson, Rory Kennedy, and Aileen Getty — whose family fortune, ironically, was made in the oil business. Their money funds protests staged by “Extinction Rebellion” and other groups, the Times notes:

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Achgut im September 2019:

Chinesische Forscher: Warmphasen gingen mit Wohlstand einher

Wissenschaftler vom Pekinger Institut für Geologie und Geophysik haben Klimadaten mit historischen Aufzeichnungen abgeglichen und sind zu dem Schluss gekommen, dass es in der chinesischen Geschichte einen starken Zusammenhang zwischen warmem Klima und gesellschaftlichem Wohlstand gab. In ihrem Fachbeitrag, der am 11. September in der renommierten Zeitschrift „Nature Communications“ erschienen ist, beschreiben die Forscher, wie sie Sediment- und Pflanzenproben aus der nordöstlichen chinesischen Provinz Jilin entnommen und auf dieser Basis das Klima der letzten 8000 Jahre rekonstruiert haben.

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