Vorbild Zigarettenpackung: Müssen Autofahrer bald vor dem Tanken ein Greta-Video anschauen?

Pressemitteilung der Flinders University vom 30. September 2019:

African child deaths could be prevented by improving environmental quality and reducing population

Children under 5 years of age in Africa are much more likely to die than those in wealthy countries as a direct result of poor health outcomes linked to air pollution, unsafe water, lack of sanitation, an increased family size, and environmental degradation, according to the first continent-wide investigation of its kind.

An international team of researchers led by Flinders University in South Australia, and the University of Western Australia in Perth, have analysed data to break down the correlation between increased child mortality, environmental degradation, and the population density of mainland countries across the African continent. Published in the journal BMJ Open, Professor Corey Bradshaw from the Global Ecology Lab at Flinders University, says the analysis determined that better access to clean water, sanitation services, and family planning, could substantially reduce the preventable deaths of newborns and children under five.

„Across African countries, national child health was lowest when water quality, improved sanitation, air quality, and environmental performance were lowest. We have also provided the first empirical evidence that large households are linked to worsening child health outcomes in developing nations,“ says Professor Bradshaw. Population size in many African countries will increase rapidly over the coming decades, raising concerns that the added pressures on infrastructure and the environment will further compromise child-health outcomes. „In most regions of Africa, this result suggests that environmental degradation is possibly now already at a point where it is compromising food production, water or air quality, or defence against infectious disease.“

„These concerning results emphasise the importance of continued investment in clean water and sanitation services, measures to improve air quality, broad-scale family planning, and efforts to restrict further environmental degradation, all to promote the United Nations‘ Sustainable Development Goals in Africa by 2030.“ The World Health Organisation estimates that 5.6 million children under five years of age died in 2016, with over half of those deaths deemed preventable or treatable with minimal intervention, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa where 1 in 13 children dies before turning five.

Co-author Professor Peter Le Souëf from the University of Western Australia says: „Health professionals have largely been ignoring the negative consequences of overpopulation and environmental degradation — including climate change — on child health in developing nations. They no longer have a reason to do so with this new evidence.“ The relationship between child-health outcomes and causes is based on the most recent data and presents a snapshot in time, rather than what might have been more important historical challenges, according to the authors.

„Failing to break out of the poverty trap is partially a result of poor health causing lower economic performance, which itself erodes health outcomes. In fact, it has been estimated that the African region will lose approximately 6% of its gross domestic product from the future years of life lost.“ says Professor Bradshaw. Better environmental management and dedicated family planning across Africa will improve these figures.

Paper: Corey J A Bradshaw, Sarah P Otto, Zia Mehrabi, Alicia A Annamalay, Sam Heft-Neal, Zachary Wagner, Peter N Le Souëf. Testing the socioeconomic and environmental determinants of better child-health outcomes in Africa: a cross-sectional study among nations. BMJ Open, 2019; 9 (9): e029968 DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-029968


John Broome (University of Oxford) schrieb 2014 in The Philosophers’ Magazine, wie er als Co-Autor beim IPCC landete und um die Welt reiste. Sehr lesenswert. Das pdf gibt es hier.


Tan et al. 2020 zeigen, dass es kaum konsistente Daten zum Niederschlag gibt und die Trends, Saisonalität etc. je nach verwendetem Produkt anders sind:

Inconsistent changes in global precipitation seasonality in seven precipitation datasets

Changes in precipitation seasonality or redistribution of precipitation could exert significant influences on regional water resources availability and the well-being of the ecosystem. However, due to the nonuniform distribution of precipitation stations and intermittency of precipitation, precise detection of changes in precipitation seasonality on the global scale is absent. This study identifies and inter-compares trends in precipitation seasonality within seven precipitation datasets during the past three decades, including two gauge-based datasets derived from the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) and the Global Precipitation Climatology Centre (GPCC), one remote sensing-retrieval obtained from Precipitation Estimation from Remotely Sensed Information using Artificial Neural Networks-Climate Data Record (PERSIANN-CDR), three reanalysis datasets obtained from National Centers for Environmental Prediction reanalysis II (NCEP2), European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts Interim Reanalysis (ERA-Interim), and Modern Era Reanalysis for Research and Applications Version 2 (MERRA2), and one precipitation dataset merged from above three types, Multi-Source Weighted Ensemble Precipitation Version 1.2 (MSWEP_V1.2). Values of two indices representing the precipitation seasonality, the normal seasonality index (SI) and the dimensionless seasonality index (DSI), are estimated for each land grid in each precipitation dataset. The results show that DSI is more sensitive to changes in the temporal distribution of precipitation as it considers both annual amount and monthly fluctuations of precipitation, compared to SI that only considers monthly fluctuations of precipitation. There are large differences in precipitation seasonality at annual and climatologic scales between precipitation datasets for both SI and DSI. Within the seven precipitation datasets, PERSIANN-CDR SI and DSI show high precipitation seasonality while CRU SI, and ERA-Interim and MERRA2 DSI show the low precipitation seasonality in all continental regions. During 1988–2013, PERSIANN-CDR, NCEP2 and ERA-Interim show more widespread, statistically significant trends in precipitation seasonality than other four precipitation datasets. PERSIANN-CDR and NCEP2 show statistically significant decreases in SI over Middle East and Central Asia, while ERA-Interim, MERRA2 and MSWEP_V1.2 SI increase over Central and South Africa. Increases in SI over the most of South America are significant. Regions of Canada/Greenland/Iceland, East and South Africa show significant increases in precipitation seasonality, while South Europe/Mediterranean and Central Africa show significant decreases in precipitation seasonality in most datasets. Although time series of seasonality indices values fluctuate correlatively in recent three decades, there are no regions on which all precipitation datasets show a consistent, statistically significant, positive or negative trend in indices of precipitation seasonality. These inconsistent changes in precipitation seasonality within various precipitation datasets imply the importance of choosing dataset when studying changes in regional precipitation seasonality.


Fragen zum Klimawandel von Alfred Brandenberger hier.


Auch in unserer Gesellschaft gibt es einen 97% Konsens, 97 Prozent glauben, sie hätten ausreichend Intelligenz. 97% ist übrigens fast immer ein Zeichen von Manipulation, meist in Diktaturen und bei Wahlfälschern eine gern genutzte Zahl. Wenn ein Zug in die falsche Richtung fährt ist jede Station falsch.


Verrücktes in Scinexx am 9.10.2019:

Klimawandel erhöht winterliche Frostgefahr

Fehlende Schneedecke nimmt vielen Kleintieren ihre winterliche Kälteisolation

Paradoxer Effekt: Die globale Erwärmung könnte viele Tiere dem winterlichen Frosttod aussetzen. Denn weil im Winter immer weniger Schnee fällt, fehlt die isolierende Decke, unter viele Insekten, Nagetiere und andere Tiere vor der Kälte Schutz suchen. Allein in den letzten 30 Jahren hat sich die Zahl der Tage mit geschlossener Schneedecke in den gemäßigten Breiten von 40 auf 35 verringert, wie Forscher im Fachmagazin „Nature Climate Change“ berichten.


Die Saarbrücker Zeitung hat die Lösung für das Klimaproblem (Link kostenpflichtig):


Sie kennen die schockierenden Raucherlungen-Bilder auf Zigarettenpackungen. Ähnliches könnte jetzt im Zusammenhang mit dem Klimawandel Pflicht werden, wie The Babylon Bee am 7.10.2019 satirisch vermutete:

New Law Requires You To Listen To Greta Thunberg Lecture Before Purchasing Gasoline

A series of new bills working their way through state legislatures in New York, California, Oregon, Hawaii, and several other progressive states will require you to listen to a Greta Thunberg lecture before purchasing gasoline. Motorists will be required to watch a 20-minute lecture by the 16-year-old climate activist before they purchase gallons and gallons of harmful fossil fuels. „We want to make sure drivers are informed,“ said California Governor Gavin Newsom, who says he will sign the bill into law. „So we are having them get lectured by a 16-year-old so they will have all the facts before they do something rash like put gasoline in their cars to go to work.“

Weiterlesen bei The Babylon Bee


Was würden Sie sagen, wenn Akademiker bei den Extinction Rebellion Aktivisten mitmarschieren würden? In Großbritannien ist dies bereits traurige Realität, wie der New Scientist berichtete.


Malte Dahlgrün am 14.10.2019 auf Achgut:

Extinction Rebellion: Entlarvung in 9 Minuten

Britische Fernsehzuschauer konnten letzten Mittwochabend Folgendes bestaunen: In einem Londoner TV-Studio der BBC traf das Beste, was die Klima-Apokalyptiker von Extinction Rebellion intellektuell aufzubieten haben, auf einen Politikjournalisten, der seinen Job machte. 

Andrew Neil ist ein alter schottischer Politikjournalist von einer Art, die sich die meisten in der Generation Luisa-Greta wohl kaum noch im Traum vorstellen können. Er ist ein renommierter Konservativer, darf im öffentlich-rechtlichen Fernsehen eine eigene Interviewsendung moderieren und biedert sich bei keiner Strömung an. Neil ist bekannt dafür, mit detaillierten Faktenbögen vorbereitet in Interviews zu gehen, unbequem zu fragen und sich nicht mit Unsinn oder Ausweichversuchen abspeisen zu lassen. 

Zu Gast im letzten Segment der diesmaligen Andrew Neil Show auf BBC 2 war die Sprecherin von Extinction Rebellion UK. Sie nennt sich Zion Lights, das Sanduhr-Logo ihrer Organisation trug sie als handgeformtes Amulett aus grellgrüner Knetmasse um den Hals. Der britische Zweig von Extinction Rebellion (XR) ist nicht irgendeiner. In Großbritannien wurde diese NGO vergangenes Jahr gegründet. In der abgelaufenen Werkwoche führte Extinction Rebellion umfangreiche Straßenblockaden im Regierungsviertel Westminster und anderen zentralen Teilen Londons durch. 

Weiterlesen auf Achgut
