
Liebe Leser,

Das Kalte-Sonne-Blog gibt es nun seit nunmehr gut 5 Jahren. Wir berichten täglich aus der wundersamen Welt des Klimawandels. Das ist so ergiebig, dass es noch immer nicht langweilig geworden ist. Danke für Ihre Treue. Wir haben in der Zeit viel erreicht, die eine oder andere Diskussion angestoßen, dem einen oder anderen Klimaalarmisten die Grenzen aufgezeigt. Wir alle gemeinsam haben gelernt und staunen über die Natur, was für tolle Dinge sich dort ereignen.

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Ihre Kalte-Sone-Redaktion


Bereits mehrfach haben wir über den neuen Dokumentarfilm „The Uncertainty Has Settled“ des Filmemachers Marijn Poels berichtet. Auf Screenarchy.com erschien nun eine lesenswerte Rezension des Films:

The Uncertainty Has Settled – A deadly earnest search

The title of this brand new and excellent climate change documentary is immediately the best reason to go to see it. Is the story of global warming true; that science has proved its point and there is no longer any need for debate? This is what Marijn Poels, a seasoned documentary filmmaker and journalist par excellence, wanted to find out. He’s driven and socially conscious, with his heart in the right place. This is how Marijn was raised by his socially aware parents. He describes himself as left and progressive. In addition, this documentary was entirely self-financed.

Marijn Poels is aware of how sensitive and polarising the subject of climate change can be. Any hint of bias or conflict of interest had to be avoided. The quality of the film is extremely high and this has not escaped the attention of international expert juries as Marijn has already received two awards for Best Documentary; one in Berlin and one in Los Angeles.

What is so beautiful and compelling in this documentary is the ignorance of the maker. Marijn stumbles from one surprise to another. You can see his disbelief and amazement and sometimes even read the despair in his face. The beautiful images and transitions, along with the necessary rest points, provide the viewer with the necessary breaks but at the same time evoke a desire for more information. The way in which the issue is addressed, the words used to interpret the information, make the film extremely suitable for all and sundry. Even for those who thought there was only one opinion on the subject of climate change and CO₂.

Weiterlesen auf Screenarchy.com

Hier der Trailer des Films:

Trailer | The Uncertainty Has Settled from Marijn Poels on Vimeo.

Sie können den Film in ausgewählten Kinos anschauen.  Übersicht der Vorstellungen hier. Webseite des Films hier.


Im Aufwachen!-Podcast von Tilo Jung und Stefan Schulz hat der Wetterexperte Jörg Kachelmann für einen respektvollen Umgang mit klimatisch Andersdenkenden geworben. Link:
Timecode: ab 1:49:51 oder konkreter ab 1:56:33, oder noch konkreter ab ca. 2:05:05

Dank an Oliver Slota für diesen Hinweis.


Klimaaktivismus ist offenbar auf dem absteigenden Ast. Die australische Klimaaktivistengruppe „The Climate Institute“ schließt am 30. Juni 2017 für immer die Pforten. Wichtige Sponsoren waren abgesprungen und konnten nicht ersetzt werden. Hat faktenferner Klimaaktivismus noch eine Zukunft? Hier die Pressemitteilung des ‚Climate Institute‘ vom 8. März 2017:

Chair of Board announces closure of The Climate Institute

The Board of The Climate Institute (TCI) has announced that the TCI will cease to operate on June 30 2017. The Board announced that the decisions comes as a result of being unable to establish the viable level of funding that would enable The Climate Institute to continue in a meaningful, sustainable form.

TCI has conducted ground-breaking research; built influential strategic partnerships among business, investor, welfare, union and other community groups; achieved domestic and diplomatic public policy outcomes; helped shape change to the regulatory landscape and driven the evolution of financial sector climate risk management, particularly among superannuation and institutional funds, domestically and internationally (see attached list of achievements on following page).

Through its Climate of the Nation series, TCI has also conducted what is now the longest trend survey of the attitudes of Australians to climate change and its solutions. “With the expiry of its original founding bequest, and despite ongoing support from a range of philanthropic and business entities, the Board has been unable to secure sufficient funding to continue the level and quality of work that is representative of TCI’s strong reputation,” said Board Chair Mark Wootton, who was among the original founding Directors and has been Chair since 2007.
“The Climate Institute has been a provider of pioneering research and a leading advocate for credible, practical climate policy throughout a tumultuous period in Australian public, investor and business decision-making.

“TCI is often described as a trusted broker and critical friend, and we are proud of the way it has built understanding and consensus among a wide variety of stakeholders on such a complex, challenging and important issue. “We are disappointed that some in Government prefer to treat what should be a risk management issue as a proxy for political and ideological battles. They are increasingly isolated as the costs of inaction mount and the opportunities and benefits of action become ever clearer,” he said.

When established in 2005 for an intended five-year life, TCI was the only non-government organisation focussed solely on climate change. TCI has now been joined by many other organisations with a significant focus on climate change. Regulators and investors are beginning to seriously integrate climate risk and opportunity management. The historic Paris agreement provides a framework for international accountability and action. There has also been a stunning recent surge in affordability and scale of clean energy alternatives.

“While challenges still abound, the landscape is much stronger than it was twelve years ago when TCI was first established. The Board is proud of the achievements of The Climate Institute, and its staff, in making an enduring contribution towards its 2050 vision of a resilient Australia prospering in a zero-carbon global economy, participating fully and fairly in international climate change solutions.”

TCI will see a core body of projects to fruition by June 30, and the Board will work with other organisations to ensure key aspects of its work continue through 2017 and beyond. A Transition Sub-Committee has been established to oversee this work. The Board has also reluctantly accepted the resignation of John Connor who has been Chief Executive Officer of The Climate Institute since February 2007. From April, Mr Connor will be working with Baker McKenzie, heading up the Fijian Government’s COP 23 Secretariat which has been established for the purpose of Fiji’s Presidency of the 23rd Convention of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. John has been a dedicated and highly skilled CEO at TCI and has been pivotal to our achievements. Olivia Kember, Head of Policy will assume the role of Acting CEO. The Board will make final determinations on the future of The Climate Institute and its work before June 30 [2017].

