Anzahl von klimabedingten Todesfällen nimmt weltweit weiter ab

Marcel Crok ist ein niederländischer Journalist mit vielfältigen Interessen. Neben ernährungstechnischen Themen interessiert er sich sehr für das Thema Klimawandel und hat sich hier so tief in die Materie eingerabeitet wie wohl kaum ein anderer Journalist. Wer der holländischen Sprache mächtig ist, kennt vielleicht sein Buch De Staat van het Klimat. Im Anschluss daran schaffte Crok die Webplattform Climate Dialogue, auf der Vertreter der beiden Seiten der Klimadebatte ihre Standpunkte austauschten.

Kürzlich brachte die viel gelesene niederländische Zeitung de Volkskrant einen fünfseitigen Beitrag über Marcel Crok. Eine englische Übersetzung des spannenden Artikel gibt es auf WUWT:

No, to be invited to address the party congress of a new political party was the last thing, Marcel Crok, climate journalist and long standing and vocal critic of the established order in climate science, had expected: and that (right-wing) party not even of his primary political preference. In fact, you would sooner classify this tie-less, car-less, plain-dressed family man as having greenish, leftist, or pro-animal leanings. But in those circles he is far from welcome, as a climate sceptic with his cross-grained message; but to the right-wing party-leader Thierry Baudet he was. In fact, “I had been so as long ago as in 2011, and before anybody had heard of him,” as Crok recalls. “At the University of Amsterdam Thierry had a small reading club where he invited authors to hold forth on the book they had written. I myself was invited too, and sat there of an evening discussing climate with twenty youngsters; and we have kept in touch.”

In the mean time, in climate matters Crok has developed into a kind of ideologue of this political party “Forum for Democracy.”

At one time, when Baudet had been frightening the man in the street to death by a tweet positing that CO2 is good for the growth of plants, climate is warming slower than expected, and weather extremes still leave us waiting, he sent Crok an app: “that’s how it is, isn’t it Marcel?”

Grist to the mill for Crok, chemical scientist, number crunchier, and author of reports like “A Sensitive Matter, How the IPCC hid the good news about climate warming”, or recently “Why the KNMI climate scenario’s will not materialize.” He is trying to organize a “counter narrative”, as they call it: to show another side to the opinions dominant among scientists, politicians and in the media, who are saying that climate is changing dangerously fast, and so we must get cracking, immediately, quickly, and that now!

Crok begs to differ. They are trying to pull us a lot of “green” wool over the eyes, he thinks. “An illusion is being created that there is a climate problem which can be fixed quite easily. And in the meantime a small, but very noisy group of activists is beginning to determine the whole of governmental policy in this matter. Also the application is entirely ideologically coloured: it has to be done through wind and the sun — a CO2-poor option, like nuclear energy is not even on the table. It makes me very cross. This is happening downright undemocratically.”

Weiterlesen auf WUWT.


Björn Lomborg verlässt sich am liebsten auf harte Daten. Anstatt sich auf Aussagen Dritter zu verlassen, schaut er in den offiziellen Statistiken nach. Dabei fand er jetzt, dass die Anzahl von klimabedingten Todesfällen weltweiter immer mehr abnimmt. Das passt natürlich so gar nicht zum öffentlichen Zerrbild, einer immer dramatischeren Klimagefahr. WUWT zeigt Lomborgs Graphik (hier klicken).


Das Gerücht, dass ein großer Teil der in Deutschland und Europa Asyl-beantragenden Menschen Klimaflüchtlinge sein könnten, hält sich hartnäckig. Mittlerweile sind es die Experten aus dem Bereich der Konfliktforschung aber leid, für klimaaktivistische Zwecke instrumentalisiert zu werden. Ein Editorial in Nature vom 13. Februar 2018 verdeutlicht dies:

Don’t jump to conclusions about climate change and civil conflict
Many studies that link global warming to civil unrest are biased and exacerbate stigma about the developing world. […] Results so far are largely ambiguous and have been frequently questioned by political scientists, economists, social scientists and climate experts, on various grounds. This week, a systematic review of the literature highlights one problem: efforts to find links between climate and social conflict are hampered by a severe sampling bias, including a statistically and politically dubious focus on mainly African countries formerly under British colonial rule. […]

Ganzes Editorial auf lesen.

